Norman Safety & Health Consulting LLC

Partnering to manage workplace exposure

I formed this company to help companies manage employee safety and health exposures. I focus on creative, pragmatic, sustainable solutions to workplace safety and health challenges.  ​

  • Creative – blending my experience of best practices to find a customized solution that exceeds cookie-cutter basic compliance.​
  • Pragmatic – keeping it simple and addressing core program elements without added fluff.​
  • Sustainable – leveraging existing business process or developing organizational procedures to support ongoing exposure management activities. 

Legionella Program Support

Program development, training, sampling, and CIH oversight

Safety Consulting Support

Safety support includes a wide range of activities to identify and control exposure to hazards that could cause worker injuries. ​ “Safety” topics tend to focus on physical hazards that could result in immediate injuries if not properly identified and controlled.

Safety Consulting Support Examples Include:

  • OSHA Compliance Audits and Inspections.
  • Written Safety Program Development such as AWAIR, HazCom/Right to Know, Respiratory Protection,  Emergency Action Plan, and more
  • Job Hazard Analysis and PPE Assessments.
  • Written Lockout Tagout (LOTO) procedure development, Confined Space Evaluations, etc.
  • Safety Training ​for Respiratory Protection, Lockout Tagout, Hazard Communication, and more.
  • Safety Committee Coaching

Contact me to discuss scalable options to address your safety challenge.

Industrial Hygiene Support

Industrial Hygiene is the art and science of identifying and controlling workplaces stressors that can cause illness or disease.  These illnesses can develop from low level exposures over the course of many years.  Many of these low-level exposures need sensitive equipment used by a trained industrial hygienist to identify and quantify worker exposure levels compared to established exposure guidelines.

We can help with Industrial Hygiene Exposure Assessments such as

  • Area Noise​ Surveys and Personal Noise Dosimetry.
  • Heat​ Stress monitoring using WBGT Instruments.
  • Ionizing Radiation, Non-Radiation​, and Electromagnetic Radiation Surveys.
  • Hand and Arm Vibration Surveys and Evaluation.
  • Air Sampling for Chemical Contaminants like Cleaning Solvents, Paint, Ink, Fuels, and more.
  • Air Sampling and Real-Time Monitoring for Dust, Fumes, and Mists like Respirable Silica, Welding Fumes, Machine Shop Metal Working Fluids.
  • Sampling for Carbon Monoxide exposure associated with forklift operations.
  • Indoor Air Quality​ evaluations for mold and odor complaints.
  • Fume Hood Testing and Local Exhaust Ventilation Evaluations.
  • Office and Workstation Evaluations for Repetitive Stress and improved Ergonomic Function.

Contact me to discuss a plan to sample or monitor exposure levels or to discuss control methods to reduce employee exposure.

Respirator Fit Testing

Respirators are critical pieces of personal protective equipment for protecting worker from uncontrolled airborne hazards.  A respirator user must be trained, medically approved, and fit tested before wearing a respirator.  ​Fit Testing is the process of evaluating how well the respirator seals to the users face to provide proper protection. 

Quantitative fit testing for any type of respirator is performed using the TSI PortaCount™ Respirator Fit Tester following the OSHA Ambient Aerosol Fit Testing Protocol.​

Qualitative fit testing using saccharin or bitrix ® solution can also be performed for half and full face air purifying respirators.

Contact me to discuss flexible options to conduct initial or annual respirator fit testing for your employees.